Everyone has some level of stress in their life, and we can usuaully handle a reasonable amount. It becomes problematic and detremental to our wellbeing when it exceeds our ability to both cope in the moment and especially the long term when it accumulates over time.
It's not unusual to be anxious occassionally. When occassionally being anxious turns into anxiety it can become problematic. Sometimes we're anxious because of identifyable causes, like PPE shortages during the pandemic. Other times it can seem more nebulous and without a readily identifiable source, which can make it more challenging to endure.
Being over-stressed, over-worked, over-anxious, and having to try and endure tough (and sometimes even rediculous) conditions with no defineable resolution or end point can rapidly contribute to feeling burnt out. There are also some often unrecognized contributors that can make matters worse. Toward the end of the burnout focused segment, we will explore some of them, and consider how they might be contribute to your feelings of burnout.
Brad @ BradReedCounseling.com
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